Click Below to find ways to get involved and Learn More
Root Causes
Duke University,
Durham NC
Root Causes aims to work as health professionals to support the sustainable and humane production of food in combination with access to healthy food. Through their programs, they hope to involve the Duke medical community in improving the health of our patients and community through a stronger local food system.
Duke GPSG Food Pantry
Duke University,
Durham NC
The GPSG Community Pantry is a student-run pantry where Graduate and Professional students can access non-perishable foods, baby and child care items (food, diapers, wipes), personal and feminine hygiene products, school supplies, and gently used professional clothing and household items from the Community Pantry free of charge.
Black Farmers Market
Raleigh & Durham, NC
The vision of Black Farmers Market is to make black spending more intentional by building and expanding self-sustaining black marketplaces that help solve black social and economic issues. They aim to inspire a self sufficient community that supports and protects Black farmers and entrepreneurs.
Transplanting Traditions
Piedmont of NC
Transplanting Traditions Community Farm's mission is to uplift food sovereignty in the refugee community through access to land, education and opportunities for refugee farmers to address community food insecurity and the barriers they face in reaching their dreams of farming. The farm provides a cultural community space for refugee adults and youth to come together, recreate home and build healthy communities, and continue agricultural traditions in the Piedmont of N.C.
Center for Environmental Farming Systems
Across NC
The Center for Environmental Farming Systems develops and promotes just and equitable food and farming systems that conserve natural resources, strengthen communities, improve health outcomes, and provide economic opportunities in North Carolina and beyond.
Across NC
PORCH Communities fights hunger and food insecurity through neighbors helping neighbors. Since 2010, local PORCH chapters have run food collections to fill the gaps in the food bank system. Our vision is to have a PORCH in every community. The PORCH Communities team provides a proven model and ongoing support to local leaders to make this a reality.
Farmer Foodshare
Durham, NC
Farmer Foodshare bridges the gap between farmers and eaters, working with partners at every stage to support both ends of the meal. Farmer Foodshare creates new sales opportunities for NC farms, enables communities to access fresh, nutritious food, and offers food system education and other resources.
Feast Down East
BurGaw, NC
The mission of Feast Down East is to create a healthy, accessible local food system, which supports economic growth in Southeastern North Carolina. Feast Down East was established in 2010 as a nonprofit organization, their programs help to support farm businesses, distribute local produce and increase access for all consumers. We also educate the public on the importance of buying local foods.
Based in NC
RAFI-USA (Rural Advancement Foundation International) has recognized that our food system is deeply inequitable, where rural communities — their land, animals and people — are exploited to benefit corporate power structures. Working across agricultural sectors and collaboratively through coalitions, we combine on–the-ground practical services and policy advocacy to ensure farmers have access to the tools they need to make the right choices for their farm and families as well as for their communities and the environment. RAFI-USA takes a whole system approach to change.